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  • $2.00 Gasket 677156A 31-2905371 72091633
    Gasket, Engine Oil Sump - Fits Various: Allis Chalmers Oliver White Fiat Hesston rpls/references: 677156A, 72091633, 31-2905371, 4601684 NOTE: Smaller items like this will usually be sent Postage for $2.00 to 48 states...

  • 4600633 676753A 72089503
    $3.50 Gasket 676753A 72089503 4600633
    Gasket, Injection Drive Cover - Fits Various: Allis Chalmers Oliver White Minneapolis Moline Fiat Hesston rpls/references: 4600633, 676753A, 72089503 NOTE: Smaller items like this will usually be sent for around $9.95...

  • Gasket 676754A 676750A 72089504 72089429
    $3.00 Gasket 676754A 676750A 72089504 72089429
    Engine Oil Pan (Seal) Pkg - Fits Various: Allis Chalmers 5040, 5045, 5050 Oliver White 1250A, 1255, 1265, 1270, 1355, 1365, 1370, 2-50, 2-60 Minneapolis Moline G350, G450 Fiat Hesston Ford New Holland 3010S, 3830,...

  • 676732A 676732AV 676732V 4601047 4988551
    $14.50 Gasket, Valve Cover 676732A 676732V (NOTE)
    Gasket, Valve Cover (3 Cylinder) - Fits Various: NOTE: This gasket is the "Formed" style NOTE: Which style of Gasket do you have ?  Oliver White (1265, 1270, G350 sn > 310480) Allis Chalmers 5040, 5045,...

  • Gasket 30-3010090 4602299
    $16.80 $14.50 Gasket 30-3010090 4602299
    Gasket, Oil Pan Sump - Fits Various: Oliver White 1355, 1365, 1370, 2-60  Minneapolis Moline G450 Fiat Hesston 550, 600, 640, 666, 680, 766, 780, 65-66, 65-90, 65-93, 65-94, 70-66, 70-66F, 70-76F, 72-93, 72-94,...

  • Gasket 676758A 4602067 72089515 Oil Pan
    $9.50 Gasket 676758A 4602067 72089515 Oil Pan
    Sump Gasket, Pan - Fits Most: Oliver White 1250A, 1255, 1265, 1270, 2-50  Minneapolis Moline G350 Allis Chalmers 5040, 5045, 5050  Fiat Hesston 450, 460, 470, 480, 500, 540  Long  rpls: 72089515,...

  • Gasket Set 674084AS 1909233 902050 (NOTE)
    $109.90 Gasket Set 674084AS 1909233 902050 (NOTE)
    Gasket Set, Head - Fits Most: Oliver 1250 DSL 4 Cylinder   Fiat Hesston 411R, 415 with 4 Cylinder Diesel 615.000 Engine rpls: 674084AS, 1909233, B7093, OW66504, FT59065, 902050  NOTE: Subject to...

  • Gasket Set 31-2900705 98493464
    $109.60 $90.00 Gasket Set 31-2900705 98493464
    Gasket Set, Upper - Fits Most: Oliver 1465 White 1470  Fiat 750, 750S, 850, 850S, 880 with CO3 Engine  rpls: 62088, B465, 1909574  NOTE: includes: 31-2900705, 98493464 head gasket, 8816531,...

  • Gasket Set 1930260 31-2900026 31-2990425
    $116.00 $70.00 Gasket Set 1930260 31-2900026 31-2990425
    Gasket Set, Upper - Fits Most:  Oliver White 1365, 1370, 2-60  Minneapolis Moline G450    Ford 4835   Fiat Hesston 600, 640, 666, 670, 680 with 8045.02 Engine  rpls: OW62086,...

  • Gasket Set 31-2900608 31-2900173 Upper Head
    $95.00 Gasket Set 31-2900608 31-2900173 Upper Head
    Gasket Set, Upper (100mm Piston) - Fits Most: Oliver White 1265, 1270, 2-50 Minneapolis Moline G350  Allis Chalmers 5045 Fiat Hesston 450 (100mm bore only) 450S, 480, 500, 540 8035.02 Engine...

  • Gasket Set 676732A 72090499 1909528 98499494
    $90.00 Gasket Set 676732A 72090499 1909528 98499494
    Gasket Set, Upper - Fits Most: Oliver 1255 Fiat Hesston 440, 460, 470 95mm bore only with 8035.01 Engine rpls: TX10130, OW62079, B7131, 1909528, 673375AS, 676732A, 676732V, 676732AV, 676734A, 72090499, 98499494,...

  • Gasket Set  31-2900026 31-2903320 98472008
    $135.00 Gasket Set 31-2900026 31-2903320 98472008
    Gasket Set (Less Crankshaft Seals) - Fits Most: Oliver White 1365, 1370, 2-60  Minneapolis Moline G450 Fiat 600, 640, 666, 670, 680  Ford 4835   rpls: OW62085, OW62103, B455, 1909563, 1909563,...

  • Gasket Set 31-2900610 72092063 1940070
    $135.00 Gasket Set 31-2900610 72092063 1940070
    Gasket Set (Less Crankshaft Seals) - Fits Most: Oliver White 1265, 1270, G350, 2-50  Minneapolis Moline G350 Ford 3010S, 3830 Orchard, 3435, 3935, 4135  Fiat Hesston 450 (100mm bore...

  • Gasket Set 673374AS 1909527
    $100.00 Gasket Set 673374AS 1909527
    Gasket Set (Less Crankshaft Seals) - Fits Most: Oliver 1255  Fiat Hesston 450, 460, 470  8035.01 3 Cylinder with 8035.01 95mm Engine  rpls: 673374AS, 1909527, B450, TX13206,...