Q: Payment Methods ?
A: We currently use VISA, DISCOVER, AMEX or MASTER CARD for payment (PayPal upon request)
Q: What are your shipping costs?
A: You will be viewing an estimate of shipping costs. So, in certain cases, the costs could be higher but, many times are lower than the calculated estimate you view. I use USPS Flat Rate Priority for many shipments. Using Flat Rate has been a savings in most cases over other shipping methods. If you have a question, please notify me. Rick 330.466.2164
Q: How can I view the status of my order?
A: Go to the Customer Service, Account Information page. This page lists all your orders. Click the date of the order whose status you wish to view.
Q: What if a part becomes back ordered or obsolete?
A: All Orders subject to current Supplier availability. If a part that has been ordered has become obsolete via supplier, that order is canceled.